Wednesday, June 08, 2005

park drumming

park drumming, originally uploaded by map~map.

two sundays ago my friend Avalon organized an outdoor drum set circle in Laurelhurst Park. It was a nice day... not too warm. We all had a really nice time. there were five of us but only 4 drum sets. That was fine because it gave us each a little time to take a break and walk around. The people in the park that happened by seemed to enjoy it very much. I hope we can do this again soon... maybe with even more drum sets. Six would be great.
this photo came from avalon... I have others I should post. I need to get some from Adam as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that's pretty neat, I like that it's with drum sets too, not your typical drum circle. At least not ones that i've seen (just a bunch of people with one drum whacking away).

I didn't know you play drums. I can play a tiny, tiny bit. Although one day I would love to pick up on it.

5:06 AM  
Blogger Joe said...

Hey Marc, this is Joe from California (drummer from Adam Hervey's old band 'Eucalyptus')Good to see that you're still playing drums. The drum kit circle looks fun - how did you sync up all those snare drums? Did it sound crazy out there? I want to try that some day, sounds like a fun idea.
I have a blog at Check it out when you have time. Take care, I'll check yr blog frequently!
Joe aka Vic N.

4:11 PM  

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